They Live Again, Again: “Gargoyles” Vol. 3 #1

Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment

Story: Greg Weisman

Art: George Kambadais

Release Date: December 5, 2022

Cover: Various, and I refuse to name them all.

Recommended Audiences: People with a lot more patience than me.

So Gargoyles is back, again.

I’ll admit I don’t exactly keep up with geek media news nowadays, and so, I only found out about this new Dynamite series months after it had been initially announced. Had that been the case even five years ago, I’d have been berating myself for the oversight. Now though, it feels right. As much as I still have lingering affection for Gargoyles, I feel I’m at the point where I don’t need additional canon stories, and the prospect of them fills me more with a fair amount of dread.  On one hand, it’s Gargoyles. On the other, it’s Greg Weisman. Sure, he’s undoubtedly responsible for a very large chunk of that made the series what it was, but on the other hand, he’s also behind Young Justice, the thing that convinced me that I don’t actually care much for him as a writer, and that the elements of Gargoyles’ writing that increasingly bugged me as I’ve been reviewing the series were not flukes or things that I could trust would be improved upon with time, but rather essential parts of his storytelling ethos. Read more of this post